During my time at DFKI I have been supervising several Bachelor and Master students at the University of Saarland (UdS) with the chair of Prof. Dr. Antonio Krüger and the Ubiquitous Medial Technology Lab (UMTL). Beside supervising students theses I am regularly offering seminars at UdS on Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) with our Cognitive Assitstants BCI-Lab. Within this seminars we teach students the basics of BCIs, show them our demonstrators in the lab and let them do hands-on projects with our BCI hardware to experience the fascinating field of BCIs.
Seminars & Lectures
The following list contains the seminars and lectures that I have organized or supported as a tutor at the University of Saarland:
Winter Term 2023/24 - Seminar: Brain-Computer Interaction
Summer Term 2022 - Seminar: Brain-Computer Interaction
Winter Term 2021/22 - Seminar: Adaptive Human Machine Interfaces for Autonomous Systems (Tutor)
Summer Term 2020 - Seminar: Brain-Computer Interaction
Winter Term 2019/20 - Lecture: Grundlagen der Medieninformatik (Teaching Assistant)
Winter Term 2019/20 - Seminar: Cognitive and Cooperative Robotics - (Tutor)
Summer Term 2018 - Seminar: Introduction to Brain-Computer Interaction
Supervised theses
The following list contains all the completed Master and Bachelor theses that I have supervised as the main advisor:
2024 - Johannes Ihl - Comparison Between Standard And GWAP-Based Imagined Speech BCI Training And Their Influence On Online BCI Performance
2023 - Tobias Jungbluth - Comparing the Effects of and the Transferability between Dry, Water- and Gel-Based Electrodes on EEG-Based Overt Speech Classification
2022 - Andreas Fey - Towards automated training of Silent Speech BCIs in natural reading tasks -
2022 - Abdulrahman Mohamed Selim - A Transfer Learning Approach for Silent Speech Recognition from Overt Speech Using A Cloud-Based EEG Data Pipeline
2022 - Varsha Gattu - Training and classification of imagined speech using interactive reinforcement learning
2021 - Naumann Fakhar - Virtual Reality Neurofeedback as tool for athletes to improve self-regulation in high pressure tasks
2020 - Ahmed Mujtaba Chang- “BioFusion”: A Comprehensive Wireless Sensor Platform to facilitate setup and increase user comfort in Biofeedback Applications
2019 - Mansi Sharma - Towards Silent Speech BCIs: Decoding Semantic Categories of ImaginedWords from EEG Activity
2019 - Matthias Schmitt - Electroencephalographic Mapping of Semantic Categories in Object-based Decision Tasks
2021 - Lars Franke - Towards EEG-Based Blurred View Detection for Autofocus Adjustment of Surgical Microscopes
2021 - Johannes Ihl - Investigating different methodologies for electrode reduction in Silent Speech Brain-Computer Interfaces
2020 - Merhnoosh Majari Kasamei -Workplace 4.0: Integrating EEG-measurements into working environments to boost productivity and prevent distraction
2020 - Tobias Jungbluth - SSVEP stimuli representing natural movement or flickering for use in Brain-Computer Interfaces
2020 - Maro Siweris - Entwicklung und Evaluierung einer neuen Methode zur Kategorisierung von Motion Sickness Typen für VR Anwendungen
2017 - Jannik Haupenthal - Smart Bus: Eine In-Bus-Infrastruktur zur Realisierung eines Bidirektionalen Fahrgast-Informations- und Interaktionssystemes
2016 - Johannes Lahann - Realisierung einer Datenhaltungsinfrastruktur sowie Entwurf eines Instandhaltungskonzepts zur Fahrgaststandortbestimmung für den ÖPNV im Verbundsprojekt Mobia